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ms Q+A: Carole Jarvis

Maggie Kearns Francis

October 28, 2019

Carole in 100 Words or Less

I work in the ms marketing department helping the Deltek Database Management team. I have degrees from the University of Houston in Training and Development, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and Occupational Education. In previous jobs, I have been heavily involved in training and development initiatives. On a personal front, I have been married to Mike Jarvis since September 2011. A fun fact is that Mike’s daughter, Emily, became ordained so she could marry us!

The Speed Round

What was your first job?
I worked for an antique dealer when I was 14. My father would attend the auctions and squirm in his chair when he saw me holding glass objects for the audience to bid on since he knew how clumsy I was.


Next item to cross off your bucket list?
I would love to cruise to the Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand, or both.


Best concert you’ve attended?
I saw Aerosmith in concert in my high school gymnasium in Akron, Ohio, when they were first starting out. I wish I had taken photos and gotten autographs that night! After the concert at the high school, they played an impromptu concert at a fraternity party at the University of Akron.


If you had an extra hour of time in each day, how would you use it?
Spend more time with my pets – 2 dogs and 9 cats. My German Shepherd, Rosie, loves it when we head to the pond so she can swim.


If you could have a cup of tea with anyone, who would it be and why?
I am a big fan of Ohio State football. I would love to sit down and talk with Urban Meyer about life after coaching the Buckeyes.


Last book you read?
What the Dog Knows: Scent, Science, and the Amazing Ways Dogs Perceive the World by Cat Warren


Sweet or salty?
Both – my favorite candy is a dark chocolate with sea salt from Costco.


If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
I would love to have the skills to finish our master bathroom remodel. It has been on hold for the past six months waiting for my husband’s schedule to free up.


What was your favorite class in school?
Anything to do with reading and writing. I often read books during math or science class that had nothing to do with math or science. My grades in those classes definitely reflected that.


Farthest you’ve traveled from home?
At 17, I spent the summer in Salzburg, Austria. I loved learning German in such a different way than just textbooks and classes. The biggest challenge was ordering food from a menu, and when the waitress brought it out to the table, realizing that it was what you had ordered.


Who do you admire the most?
I love to know or read about people who make a difference. Not just talking about it, but making positive changes for animals or people.

Tell Us More

What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned while working at ms?
My last employer was Hewlett Packard where I was one of 220,000 employees. Joining a smaller firm has been a very different and rewarding experience. It is much easier to feel like your contribution makes a difference to the overall goals of the company. I have also learned several new vocabulary words such as volumetric, anaerobic, and surfactants.


What is the best career advice you have ever received?
Deliver meticulously. Don’t rush to deliver results that are not a reflection of the time and effort you have put into it. Also, take the time to stop and ask if you are on the right track at a midway point to ensure you have understood the expectations for the requested product or information.


What would you go back and tell your 22 year old self?
Finish college – I waited until I was 35 to return to college and complete what I had started at 17.


You’ve got one day in Columbus. What do you do?
I have never been to COSI; one day I would like to spend the day exploring there. I love art and colors so I would visit a gallery to see their displays– and then find a new restaurant I haven’t tried yet. Perhaps one day I will rent a room downtown, so I can enjoy Red White and Boom fireworks without having to fight the traffic heading home.


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I live in the country, so my free time is usually spent tackling a project outdoors. I am currently making a space for a new deck and hot tub.


Any final words?
Bring doughnuts for your co-workers!