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Antonine Village Assisted Living

Antonine Village Assisted Living

Antonine Village Assisted Living

Antonine Village Assisted Living

Antonine Village Assisted Living


Meeting the needs of the area’s elderly population, the Antonine Sisters have been expanding their services – and space – for more than 20 years.

Services Involved

  • Architecture
  • Construction Administration
  • Site Civil Engineering
  • MEP Engineering
  • Bidding Services

Antonine Village Facilities

ms consultants has an ongoing relationship with the Antonine Sisters by providing architectural, engineering, and other professional services to Antonine Village, including the assisted living facility and an expansion of the day care facility located in North Jackson, Ohio.

Assisted Living Facility

ms architects designed the assisting living facility to meet the demands of the facility: 24-hour nursing care, daily prepared meals, housekeeping and laundry services, social activities, and other services for residents. The assisted living section connects to the day care facility through a corridor, also allowing the Sisters and staff to easily collaborate between the two facilities. ms also designed a kitchen expansion in the day care building to accommodate the additional cooking needs to support the assisted living residents.


The assisted living campus has 55 apartments, including:


  • 10 apartments for independent-living residents requiring some assistance
  • 24 rooms for assisted living
  • 21 rooms for memory-care residents requiring complete care


Additional facility features include:


  • Expanded existing kitchen
  • Waiting room
  • Reception area
  • Office area
  • Centrally located chapel
  • Public restrooms
  • Spa area in each pod




Antonine Village History

The Antonine Sisters originally established an adult day care in 1991 to serve the five elderly in their own convent. With community interest in their services, the number of seniors quickly outgrew the building, necessitating the sisters to explore the possibility of a larger facility. Designed by ms consultants, the new facility accommodating 50 participants daily began operating in 1996.


Five years later, in February 2001, ground was broken for a new, 3,000-square-foot addition to the day care center. The addition, also designed by ms, consisted of a physical, occupational, speech therapy, and memory room and a beauty shop.



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