What is the American Rescue Plan Act?
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was created to address the current public health crisis and resulting economic crisis impacting millions of Americans. The bill is intended to provide immediate and direct relief stimulating an equitable economic recovery.
The State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, within the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), was created to assist state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments whose revenues have been impacted by the current economic crisis. The ARPA provides $350 billion to bridge the gap in decreased tax revenues collected in 2020.
How Does the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Impact you?
Funding is available as a resource for state, local, and, territorial, and Tribal governments to make investments in waterworks systems, sewer systems, and broadband infrastructure development. The State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund includes:
- $195 billion for states
- $130 billion for local governments (including counties, cities, and smaller local governments)
- $20 billion for tribal governments
- $4.5 billion for territories
Our team can provide the expertise and experience needed to develop a spending plan applicable to the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. By prioritizing eligible projects and using the American Rescue Plan Act, our team will leverage—and make the most of—every available federal and state dollar. This helps projects get completed with as little impact to the taxpayers as possible.
Much like the federal funds made available through the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, funds stemming from ARPA will be competitive. To be in a competitive position to receive funding, it is important that your project has completed design and is ready to break ground.
Have a project that isn’t “shovel ready”? Our team can help get you there.
Let's Get Started
Every state, local, territorial, and Tribal government’s needs are different. We offer agile and long-term solutions to best meet your individual needs. We can provide guidance and consultation to leverage every dollar received from the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund within ARPA.
Schedule a 15-minute call with Director of Funding, Economic Development & Strategy, Dax Norton to talk about how we can help.