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Ohio Township Community Park

Nature Center

Park Entrance

Ohio Township Community Park


Ohio Township wanted a redesign to enhance their community park for the surrounding neighborhood to enjoy for years to come.

Services Involved

  • Architectural Design
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Site Civil Design
  • Traffic Design

Ohio Township Community Park

ms consultants provided landscape architecture services to Ohio Township, located in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, for their 42-acre community park. These services included creating a master landscape plan and developing a new main entry feature. The park was established in 2003 with minimal landscaping.


ms designed the new entry feature, along with the appropriate master landscape plan. The master landscape plan focused on the plantings around the Nature Center building located within the park and the remaining park grounds.


ms worked with Township staff, residents and the Parks and Recreation Board to establish a theme for the plantings that included native plants to the area and plants that are resistant to deer. Additionally, ms coordinated efforts for both planting installation and the construction bidding process, which acted as a cost savings strategy for the park.


Phase I of the project was completed in 2008, which included the construction of the entry feature. At the Township’s request, ms utilized native stone boulders in the design that were available at little or no cost from an adjacent landowner. Phase II includes landscape improvements to the remaining park grounds and installing planting designs to the Nature Center.



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