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U.S. Route 6 Development Plan

U.S. Route 6 Development Plan


A plan was needed to attract investment along u.s. route 6 in lorain county.

Services Involved

  • Regional Planning
  • Transportation Planning
  • Zoning

U.S. Route 6 Development Plan

The U.S. 6 Development Study took Lorain County’s Lakefront Connectivity Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) Plan and built upon the data and concepts. By doing this ms developed a plan to attract investment in Lorain County, Ohio, along U.S. Route 6.


This plan for Lorain County provided recommendations not only that aim to attract and stimulate investment, but also to complement previous redevelopment sites. Such sites include the IRG Lorain LLC redevelopment site, where an automobile salvage yard was turned into green infrastructure.

Developable Parcels

The area of study ran from the west Lorain County line at Salem Drive to Beumhart Road in the City of Vermilion. Through studying this area, ms worked with the county of Lorain and the City of Vermilion to layout a development plan.


The development plan identifies parcels of land along the corridor that can become development ready. This gives the Lorain County and Vermilion an easy-to-read map that shows key areas for development.

Study Recommendations

In the proposed U.S. Route 6 Development Study, the following recommendations were made:


  • Zoning changes
  • Utility extensions
  • Site-specific remediation


The team also took inspiration from the Regional Lakefront Connectivity Study, also known as Lake Eire Connect, by recommending plans for multimodal amenities. These amenities would promote and complement economic development.


Such recommendations included:


  • Shared use path
  • Sidewalks
  • Bike lanes


Additional recommendations from the study to enhance the area included the use of street furniture, decorative lighting and signals, and enhanced crosswalks.

The Impact

The U.S. Route 6 Development Study improved the aesthetics of the corridor, attracted additional investments, and provided Lorain County and the City of Vermilion with current and future recommendations.


All of the plan components work together to ensure citizens and visitors continue to experience the high quality of life provided by this small lakeside community.

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