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Euclid Avenue Redevelopment Plan

Euclid Avenue Redevelopment Plan

Euclid Avenue Redevelopment Plan


A city undergoing a re-envisioning wanted its main gateway to be a place of community pride and economic development.

Services Involved

  • Zoning
  • Urban Design
  • Urban Planning
  • Branding
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Euclid Avenue Redevelopment Plan

Located in western Lake County, the City of Wickliffe underwent a re-envisioning process to ensure its main gateway and commercial corridor, Euclid Avenue, became a place of community pride and economic investment. The Euclid Avenue Redevelopment Plan wove economic development, zoning, land use, and transportation strategies into a unified vision to facilitate new development.


The project included a market analysis, zoning and planning, priority development sites, and more.


To kick off the project, a traditional market analysis was conducted on Euclid Avenue in the city of Wickliffe, Ohio. This analysis helped uncover the potential for office, retail, residential, and industrial real estate development in the northeast Ohio city.


The opportunities from the market analysis provided turned into square-footage needs and compared to the vacant land available in Wickliffe.


Following the market analysis, it was time to better understand the area’s requirements. ms stepped in with a team of zoning experts, urban designers, and planners, providing a comprehensive review of current zoning requirements and design standards. In doing so, ms identified areas of improvement and how to make these improvements.


Improvements for the Euclid Avenue Redevelopment Plan included:


  • Enhancement of the existing historic buildings
  • Improvement of the character of Wickliffe’s Euclid Avenue
  • Improved walkability of Euclid Avenue
  • Preparing Wickliffe for a new wave of investment in the city


After the market, zoning, and land use analyses were completed, three development sites were deemed priority sites. The priority sites included:


  • Old Wickliffe Middle School Site
  • Italian-American Club site
  • Town Square Shopping Plaza


Each priority site received its own set of redevelopment recommendations. The old Wickliffe Middle School site recommendation included a pedestrian plaza on either side of Euclid Avenue. The recommendation also included a dedicated green space to encourage consistent use throughout the year. This site was also recommended to feature parking behind the pedestrian plaza and a crosswalk connecting the two sides of Euclid Avenue.


The Italian-American Club site was proposed to be developed into a mixed-use town center. With plenty of outdoor space, the Italian-American Club would still be able to host activities and events. The recommendation also called for off-street parking behind Wickliffe’s city center. In addition, a green space buffer was recommended to provide a clear distinction and beautifying element between the nearby industrial and residential areas and the new development.


The Town Square Shopping Plaza site recommendation included adding a patio and greenspace area, a central walkway, and an outdoor dining plaza. By implementing these recommendations, the city of Wickliffe would create a more controlled environment with safer pedestrian access. With the addition of outdoor dining and greenspace, the overall experience of residents, shoppers, and visitors would be significantly improved. 


ms provided additional improvement recommendations to the city of Wickliffe. These additional improvements would not only make the area more visually appealing but also make it safer.


Additional improvement recommendations include:


  • Enhanced public space
  • Improved sidewalks
  • Upgraded crosswalks
  • Relocated parking
  • Reduction of excessive driveways
  • Improved transit stops
  • Adequate lighting
  • Improved bike infrastructure


Read more on the We Plan Wickliffe website.

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